Welcome to Bank of Farmington &
Integrity Community Bank
Reminder: Please know we will never call you to verify your personal information/PIN # for any reason! Contact your local office should you have any concerns.
Using a smartphone, computer or other mobile devices to mange your finances can be convenient and help you monitor your money from practically anywhere. At the same time, it’s important to take steps to protect your account information. In order to help ensure the security of your online banking and transactions, we want to share a few tips for safe online banking:
● We will never email, call or otherwise ask you for your username, password or other secure information regarding your online account.
● To ensure password safety, use a complex combination of letters, numbers and characters, along with a combination of lower and uppercase letters.
● Change your password frequently – at least every 90-days.
● Usernames and passwords should not be written down and left out in the open and do not share your login information with anyone else.
● Do not use public computers to login into your online banking information. If you DO use a public computer, do not allow the browser to remember your username and password and verify that you have completely closed out of any programs that you used during your session.
● Monitor your account activity on a regular basis and report anything suspicious to the bank immediately so proper measures can be taken to secure your information.
● Always use licensed anti-virus software on your computer. Make sure that you keep it up to date so that your information is always protected.
● Do not click on any suspicious links or download attachments in your email. Best rule of thumb if you are questioning whether an email is legit: If you don’t know who sent it or you weren’t expecting an email from that person, DON’T open it!
● Do not send secure information (Social Security Number, birth date, Driver license number, etc.) through email unless the email is being encrypted. This includes images of secure information like a Social Security Card or Drivers License.
If you have any questions regarding this information or if you have concerns about the security of your information, please contact us at (309) 245-2441 or info@bankoffarmington.com
Note: For your security please do not email any confidential information (account numbers, social security numbers, etc.)
E-mailed questions/comments will be responded to during banking hours.